Website + CD- Guns & Roses

The CD Project is a real challenge because for the first time I created both a Print-based and a Web-based piece from scratch, at the same time. My main inspiration for this project came from my love for this band - Guns n Roses. I tried to show most of my web design skills in this project by making it a four page website where the last page is itself a one page scroller. With the help of Jquery, fancy elements such as flexslider were added. DW is amongst one of the tools which I really enjoy working with. Its fun to design the look of a website how you actually want the real world to see. The CD pack which I made in photoshop, is a hybrid package because it combines a sturdy printed cardboard backing with a secure plastic tray inside. This case reduces environmental impact by using smaller quantities of raw materials than a standard size CD or DVD case. The cardboard is fully printable, eliminating the need for a separate entrapment